PPB Group1 has whistleblowing channels for whistleblowers to report, in good faith, any possible violations of laws (local and international) and regulations, and including Group’s policies and procedures, including the Group’s Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policies and Procedures.
The Group takes good faith allegations of improper conduct by its Personnel2 or Business Associates3 very seriously and shall investigate thoroughly. Whistleblowers are expected to cooperate fully with any investigations into such allegations, and any interfering or providing false information during an investigation is a violation of PPB Group’s policy, which can lead to disciplinary action.
For more information on PPB Group’s whistleblowing procedures, please refer to the Whistleblowing Policy and Procedures which is available on respective entity’s website. Alternatively, Personnel may reach out to the Group Internal Audit Department or the respective entity’s Risk/ Integrity Officer, or the Head of Risk/ Integrity.
“PPB Group” or “the Group” refers to PPB Group Berhad, including its subsidiaries.
Includes directors and employees.
For purposes of this Policy and Procedures, the term “Business Associates” includes, but not limited to, suppliers, vendors, contractors, agents, service providers, consultants, advisers, distributors, joint venture, or partners consortia parties, and any other third party acting for or on behalf of PPB Group.